Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Giver

 Ohh what a Hell Hole, I would be released from that community within seconds!Theres no creativity, no culture,no style!I'm very curious to see where Jonas ends up ,I have many predictions and hoping some are right. I'ts definitely not a bad book it goes very in depth with detail, and leaves you with curiosity! Can't wait to read on!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

6 WoRd MeMoIr

      ShOrT HaIr, ShOrT LiFe, BiG HuRrY

Im just a human fly making my way from person to person, place to place,generating and seeking new ideas!
                                         a live performance by the cramps, singing humany fly

who isnt a social media butterfly?!

 Ha, oh jeez,i love these little guys! Apparently two hot shots! I guess maybe it goes to say, that one out of 2 people are most likely social media specialist, and by specialist, I mean addicted! Now I'm not bashing on social sites,but i am bashing on the ones who do nothing but take us through their life steps typed in posts, or a damn picture of the their dinner,or even more in depth,their cats dinner.That's how far a lot of people take it, I just find it pathetic nonsense. Oh I especially love, when you receive a friend request from a "Friend" who you met maybe once or twice,or they're an acquaintance of a friend of yours and you run into them,to find that awkward silence, But it just seems swell to be in the same circle of friends!And my number 1 Hate, is personal tantrums and life problems posted up, get a damn counselor!lots of regrets come out after venting through Facebook, because you realized that was the 10th time you broke up with brad and announced it to everyone, or the threats you've made to people publicly got back to them and now your in a pickle!Ha and here I am, on my own tantrum!what can I say its a mandatory project ;)